CWG: How to throw out an asset
May 22, 2012
Its been a bit since my last post, no excuses I just have been working. While keeping my mind on the Cows With Guns project I worked and toiled away finishing up the last enemy in the spawn sequence. The Sumo sheep! He was pretty cool, did what the other sheep didn’t and ran across […]
CWG: Run Heff Run!
So I finished up with Heff today. She’s fully animooted and slapped into CWG. Its a small post tonight but I am tired and want to do a more extensive post on motivation and keeping myself on track. Peace ya’ll. PS – Stupid Flash doesent know how to export a GIF nicely…. PSS […]
CWG: Heff 3000 & SHINY NEW GUN!
So I got mad at trying to make pixelate backgrounds for CWG and after a one sided yelling match I started playing with Flash. BOOM Heff 3000, final design/color, not final iteration. Have to re-draw her at least once more to re-orient her arms to the gun being infront of her now. In-Game: […]
CWG: Heff got a makeover
So here it is after getting some help from another pixel pusher over on He said that I was creating too big of a palette, that when dealing with pixels, less is more. So here is the original. She has a LOT of colors, approx 13. And here is the redux: […]
CWG: Color palette battle….
So here I was just sitting around staring at my project when I get bitch slapped by the realization that my game does NOT have any color co-ordination what-so-ever. So today, as I stood around at work, I tried to figure out color theory on my own; didn’t make it very far… but my upstairs […]